SUMMIT/ 2019

Girl Power!
Watch our Toronto Summit -->
Babes Supporting Babes
Love, Heal & Slay The Darkness
It happened!! And we are so ready to help you build a new life, pick the best path possible and lit things up in your life because girl you are on FIRE! The first ever Bloom And Thrive Summit took place in TO with a power-packed female lineup of change-makers and goddesses, from music, entertainment, public service, social media and more, they shared their hearts and souls, journey and insights. Bloom and Thrive is a summit that has been curated in order to help empower young women that are just stepping into the world of business, as well as women who have already made their mark with their brand or company and looking to feel inspired and motivated in their lives.We offer insight on 5 key components to help guide women and/or steer them in the right path and direction that will not only help with business but also real life issues and topics, such as, Wellness, Relationships, Business, Social Media, and Lifestyle. NOW it's your turn to start your journey today with our five mottos.